ERANET Bioenergy
Instytut Energiiwas a partner in the project ERANET: SE Bioemethane. Small but efficient – Cost and Energy Efficient Biomethane Production. Information about the project and Partners can be found in the attached presentation.
The main task of Instytut Energii is to develop and test a prototype device technology development digestate from biogas plants. The project has a technological development digestate and prototype devices that have been tested. Information technology and equipment and effects achieved can be taken from the attached presentation.
Below is a visualization of the idea of a small and efficient systems of agricultural biogas plants associated with the system for management of digestate.
The operation of biostabilization municipal waste ANABIOREC™
Instytut Energii at the request of Department of Municipal Services USKOM Sp. o.o. leads the current operating system recirculation of leachate in a bioreactor ANABIOREC™ in Kosinach Bartosowych, which operates a monitoring balance of leachate recirculation, leachate monitoring the properties and effectiveness of screening, monitoring the properties of the generated biogas.
Research speed stabilization permeate fractions of municipal waste
On behalf of Ekopartner-Lubin Sp. o.o. Instytut Energii conducted the research process in order to verify the effectiveness of biological treatment plant permeate fractions of municipal waste based on the technology of oxygen biostabilization in foil sleeves. Requested analysis include specimen preparation, the term morphological composition of the feed to the reactor, measuring the dry weight measurement of volatiles, analysis of respiration activity AT4 waste after
Testing of biogas
On behalf of Wroclaw University of Technology Instytut Energii made a collection of 30 samples of biogas from 5 installation (active landfill closed landfill farm biogas plant, closed chamber fermentation sludge stabilization waste ANABIOREC™) and analysis of the characteristics of biogas in: CO₂, CH₄, O₂, H₂S, NH₃, the content of siloxane in the TMS, MOH, L2, D3, L3, D4, L4, D5.
Testing of preRDF
On behalf of the five entities: Municipal Waste Disposal Plant Spytkowo Sp. o.o., Waste Management Company “Eco-Masuria” Sp. o.o., Ecological Association of Municipalities “Działdowszczyzna” Waste Utilization Plant Sp. z o. o., based in Elblag, Olsztyn Department of Municipal Sp. o.o., Instytut Energii has done research waste code 191210 produced in municipal waste treatment plants in Warmia-Mazury. The study involved 23 samples of waste in the following areas: weight morphological
composition, moisture general, loss on ignition, combustion heat, calorific value and organic matter content of biologically degradable by selective dissolution.
Studies mass of waste changes during storage
On behalf of Department of Municipal Services USKOM from Mlawa Instytut Energii made a study changes in the mass of municipal waste stored in compressed form in 12 months. The objective pursued was to demonstrate the phenomenon of loss of waste in the form of compressed cubes during their storage and to determine the rate of weight loss
Research on the properties of the biomass process MCP
On behalf of the company Bioelectra Group SA Instytut Energii conducted a study the Feature samples of biomass produced by the Mechanics and Heat Processing of municipal waste in the system’s Bioelektra located in Różanki gm. Drought. The aim of the study is to analyze the physico-chemical biomass produced in the installation of Mechanics and Heat Processing of municipal waste with an indication of potential directions of development.
Research statistics UWM
Instytut Energii, commissioned by the University of Warmia and Mazury conducts research Fri. “Advanced statistical analysis of figures obtained under the project financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy called. Optimization of beef production in Poland in line with the strategy “from fork to the farm.”